Micro-Influencers: A Boon for Brands

What’s in Store Today? 🎁

  • NFT art shows are becoming a thing 🎨

  • Why are Influencers starting businesses?🕴 

  • Influencers and Crypto Violations 🚫

  • Tiki’s Ambitious 💪

Micro-influencers: Blessing for Brands

Undoubtedly, micro-influencers are a blessing in disguise for brands. It has been reported that micro-influencers get 47% more engagement on their posts compared to macro-influencers. They don’t just increase a brand’s awareness but also make sure that a useful action is taken on their product by potential buyers and it’s not just scrolled above.

Micro-influencers are quite cost-effective as well compared to macro-influencers. Moreover, since they have highly engaging communities that share similar interests, it is easier for brands to tap into these highly selected communities, and reach a highly efficient level of targeting.

Bright future 😎: With the arrival of social tokens, NFTs, and tokenized experiences, micro-influencers with a good hold over niche are the equivalent of high potential penny stocks. Brands or fans investing in them today can benefit greatly in the future from their growth.

Lesson to Learn : A key lesson to be learned here from micro-influencers is building a community. By building a community creators can not only increase their engagement but also become an authoritative voice over a particular niche.

Checkout this blog to learn How to build a community in 2022?

NFT Exhibits are Super-cool

NFT art exhibitions are gradually becoming a thing now. An art exhibition including the vivid, dynamic, and interactive works of 14 national artists who are skilled in the NFT sector was put up at Kochi’s Cafe Papaya. The exhibition, titled “Myths and Memes,” was organized by 101 India.

Numerous young people are purchasing NFT artworks for hefty prices, which is a good symbol for digital art’s future. NFT art exhibits of US$ 250 million have already been held in 2021 by renowned auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s. 

Previously, there have been a few NFT art shows held in New Delhi as well.

Redefining art shows 🎭 : NFT art shows will surely bring about a renaissance in the artist community. Earlier, art shows used to be a niche-thing only enjoyed by art enthusiasts. However, with the onset of NFTs, there are more people who are interested in art exhibitions, such as NFT collectors, Web3.0 enthusiasts, investors, startup founders etc.

Another reason why NFT art shows are quite amazing is that it provides a whole different viewing experience. More often than not, digital art works come with a corresponding music or sound which can be heard via headphones attached to the painting. Such captivating experience really enthralls the audiences.

Influencers, More like Solopreneurs

Influencer marketing has become a cornerstone for both major and minor businesses in a range of industries. Now that the industry is getting bigger, influencers are focusing towards launching their own brands. Such as Malvika Sitlani and her kick-ass brand Masic Beauty.

Since they are professionals at interacting with their devoted audience, they have cheap marketing expenditures and high engagement, which is a clear advantage because it reduces the risk associated with starting a new business.

Effective future plan: Starting out your own brand or business can prove to be a good step for influencers because there’s no guarantee that they’re going to stay an organisation’s brand ambassador forever. Moreover, it provides a sustainable source of revenue.

Support is around the corner 🫂: With the help of their community, creator can always take suggestions from their audience regarding their products. Moreover, they can also take feedback on new launches. This direct feedback & suggestions trumps any business models created by a consultancy firm. Also, this support is amazingly useful whenever a creator is facing a dilemma about its products.

Rules are meant to be broken?

The self-regulatory body, Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) estimates that social media influencers in the nation are to blame for 92% of all crypto marketing violations that took place between January 2022 and May 2022.

As per the ad council’s CEO, Manisha Kapoor, they have received 453 complaints about advertisements involving virtual digital assets. 447 of them have to do with influencers. 419 of the 453 ads that the council looked at needed to be modified, and the influencers were properly informed about it.

Lesson for Influencers: It’s advisable to go through ASCI’s influencer guidelines and crypto advertising guidelines. Some of the common errors committed by influencers are failure to include disclaimers about cryptocurrency trading and tags indicating that a certain post was a sponsored one.

What if you don’t comply? 👀: Being a self-regulatory body ASCI cannot ban influencers in case they don’t comply with the guidelines. However, ASCI can report the violation to the governmental bodies who may take further action. 

Moreover, ASCI can publish the name of violators which can severely hamper the influencer’s image as well as stain the brand’s PR that they’ve been promoting.

Tiki’s Aiming for the sky

Through their new campaign, “GrowWithTiki,” the short-form video-making community Tiki hopes to set a new record of onboarding 100,000 aspiring content creators. The brand intends to foster an atmosphere of  “Authentic Entertainment, Peer-to-Peer assistance & Community” by highlighting India’s amazing content creators located around the country. Tiki plans to help aspiring content creators by infusing extra traffic of up to 1cr and will promote original content on its application.

Originality is the only key:  Tiki as a platform has made it quite clear to the creators that it will promote only authentic content. Moreover, a creator who wants to get on Tiki must first pass an audition where a human being will verify their authenticity as a creator. 

The platform has a 100+ member moderation team that monitors the content to make sure that only original and content deemed “healthy” for the ecosystem appears on feed. Any type of copied content isn’t allowed on the app.

Taking on the Goliaths: In a highly competitive space, filled with big sharks like Google, Meta, Twitter,  a relatively new platform like Tiki has been able to find its market due to the unique and viewer-friendly approach. Each month, the platform’s revenue is increasing by 2x. It soon plans on creating more sustainable streams of revenue for the creators within the app.

While it was seeming as if there’s no more space for any more content creation platform, Tiki with it’s unique tools and tactics, has been able to create a niche for itself which has been working quite well for the brand till now. 

Ending Note:

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